  • (Full story doi:10 1136/bmj m2156) Benzodiazepines may link to ectopic pregnancy The risk of an ectopic pregnancy was 50% higher in women who had filled out a prescription for benzodiazepines in the 90 days before conception, in a large observational study published in Human Reproduction 3 Researchers analysed US health insurance claims of almost 1 7 million women and found that 30 000 pregnancies (2%) were ectopic and 17 990 (1%) were to women who had taken a benzodiazepine before conception Overseas news Trump appointee is accused of competing interests The US president’s new covid-19 vaccine czar is a venture capitalist who holds millions of dollars in drug company stocks, said an ethics complaint filed by two public interest organisations, Public Citizen and Lower Drug Prices Now 4 The groups said that Moncef Slaoui was appointed by Trump as a private contractor, allowing him to maintain an “extensive web of conflicting financial interests ” The committee’s president, Peter Maurer, told the United Nations Security Council that the actual number of incidents, which have ranged from verbal threats to burning down facilities housing covid-19 patients, was likely to be much higher 1 Wang Y Tian H Zhang L Reduction of secondary transmission of SARS-CoV-2 in households by face mask use, disinfection and social distancing: a cohort study in Beijing, China
  • BMJ
  • unk
  • WHO
  • Seven days in medicine: 27 May to 2 Jun 2020
  • #821107
  • 2020


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