OBJECTIVES: To describe the organization of a hospital during the COVID-19 pandemic, paying attention to both organizational and leadership aspects, and considering all hospital areas, including the operating room MATERIAL ANDMETHODS: Review of the literatureregarding the organizational councils for hospital management within the pandemic In addition, the recommendations of societies, institutions such as the WHO, the CDC, the ECDC, the National Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Health of Madrid and the center\'s own experience have been taken into account RESULTS: Description of the key elements for the organization,as well as the different areas of action within a hospital: emergencies, consultations, hospitalization and operating rooms CONCLUSIONS: Management during a pandemic requires a high degree of agility in response and plasticity in people All hospitalstructures must adapt to a situationfor which they have not been conceived and all staff must place themselves at the service of a disease that conditions all decisions Being able to adapt and try to anticipate what is going to happen are the keys to success OBJETIVOS: Describir la organizacion de un hospital durante la pandemia por COVID-19, prestando atencion a aspectos tanto organizativos como de liderazgo, y considerando todas las areas hospitalarias, incluido el quirofano MATERIAL YMETODOS: Revision de la literatura en relacion con los consejos organizativos para la gestion hospitalaria dentro de la pandemia Ademas, se han tenido en consideracion las recomendaciones de sociedades, de instituciones como la OMS, el CDC, el ECDC, Ministerio de Sanidad y Consejeria de Sanidad de Madrid y la propia experiencia del centro RESULTADOS: Descripcion de los elementos claves para la organizacion, asi como de los diferentes ambitos de actuacion dentro de un hospital: urgencias, consultas,hospitalizacion y quirofanos CONCLUSIONES: La gestion durante una pandemia requiere un alto grado de agilidad en la respuesta y plasticidad en las personas Todas las estructuras hospitalarias deben adecuarse a una situacion para la que no han sido concebidas y todo el personal debe ponerse al servicio de una enfermedad que condiciona todas las decisiones Ser capaz de adaptarse y de intentar adelantarse a lo que va a ocurrir son las claves del exito