Modules designed to be used as components of a physiologic monitor, along with related devices, to acquire, measure, and process information for continuously monitoring the level of neuromuscular block (i.e., paralysis of the affected skeletal muscles). These modules contain electronic circuits, electrodes, and sensors designed to deliver and measure the effects of standard stimulation pulsed signals such as train of four (TOF), single twitch (ST), double burst (DB), as well as tetanic and post-tetanic counts, showing the values on an electronic display at manually selected or automatically selectable intervals. The signal is transmitted to the physiologic monitor, which contains the software necessary to support the module\'s intended function(s). Neuromuscular block modules must be inserted into a dedicated location (e.g., \'slot\') within a physiologic monitor (e.g., modular or modular/configured monitor) or related device (e.g., module rack) in order to support the desired function(s). The level of neuromuscular block is routinely measured by stimulating a peripheral nerve, usually in the hand and evaluating the muscle response; neuromuscular block modules are used mainly to check the drug-induced-paralysis status of skeletal muscles during surgical procedures involving general anesthesia, especially when paralytic agents are employed.